Monday, June 4, 2007

Money Matter

Dad finally gave me a more definitive date as to when we will be leaving for UK. So August 23rd is going to be 'the day'. Well, with a few month's time left, I had to begin shopping for my necessities and the etc that I have to bring along with me to Southampton.
Being a non-shopper myself, bordering on an anti-shopper, shopping became pretty exciting. But I had a big problem, I don't exactly know the usual price of things. For example, I wouldn't know if RM50 for a pair of pants would be considered cheap or otherwise. However, a big thanks to Mel for 'temaning' me during my shopping spree. Going in and out of the fitting room trying various clothes was kinda fun. So I began shopping for the items that I had in mind. After 3 days of shopping, what struck me most was the amount that I managed to spend. Well although I can justify that those were really necessities, and I mean it! but still...... man.......
I walked into Sox World, with the intention of buying a few good pairs of socks to bring over there. I ended up walking out the shop with a RM71.00 bill. I was thinking to myself, "Just on socks???" Sigh.... things aren't cheap man. And thats only socks...
Frankly, the reality of my expenditure thus far has yet to sink in. And to think how much more my parents will have to spend on me for my 3 year education in UK........ I rather not think....


Daniel said...

hhahaa..tell me about it...when I left for aussie i spent almost 1 k on necessaties :P

Hey...u leaving on my bday!

Vernny said...

its always nice to hear comforting words. :) So i'm not so spendrift after all!...